How did you learn about Cathedral Press?
If you received any advertising that prompted your use of our product, please enter the product code from the mailing label.
Desired Bulletin Size: 8½ x 11 inches 8½ x 14 inches
Options for 8½ x 11 inch Bulletins
Options for 8½ x 14 inch Bulletins These bulletins are only available with the King James Version of scripture. The back page comes in blank only, and the tear-off is blank.
Start my order effective on the following day of worship:
Number of Bulletins per Sunday: (Minimum quantity is 25 per week. Quantity increases are by increments of 25.)
I would like additional bulletins for the following Sundays: Please order in multiples of 25
New Years: Palm Sunday: Maunday Thursday:
New Years:
Palm Sunday:
Maunday Thursday:
Good Friday: Easter:
Good Friday:
Mother's Day: Father's Day:
Mother's Day:
Father's Day:
Thanksgiving: Christmas:
Good Friday bulletins are the same price as your regular bulletins if they are shipped with the regular order. If shipped separately, the bulletins are $11.00/100, $50.00/500, $90.00/1000.
Bulletins are sent quarterly and an invoice is included with each shipment. Prompt payment of the invoice is appreciated. If you have changes to your order, or wish to cancel the subscription service, please notify us by the dates specified in the shipping schedule.
I understand that this is a continuous subscription to the Cathedral Press Every Sunday Bulletin Service. By filling out and submitting the form, I agree to the terms and conditions of this order and will pay the invoice when it is received each shipment.
Name of Church:
Billing Address (for mailing statements)
Zip/ Postal Code:
Church Phone:
Church Email:
Shipping Address This must be a physical location of the church or another business that will accept your shipment. United Parcel Service charges extra for deliveries to non-business addresses. A location with posted business hours is preferable. You may also choose to use the Postal System and have us ship to a PO Box.
Business / Organization Name:
Zip/Postal Code:
Contact Person:
Phone of Contact Person:
Each quarter we publish art work that may be used in your bulletin or in other church publications. If ordered, it will come packed with your bulletin shipment. The cost is $1.95 per quarter for continuous customers. Please enter my subscription to the quarterly clip-art.
We also offer two books containing several hundred items of art. Plus, much of the art work we have published in the past is available on CD-rom disks. There are 2 books and 4 CDs available. The books are $24.95 for the first one; the second book is free.The CDs are $20 each or all 4 for $75. Shipping and handling charges are additional.
Please Send Me: Book 3 Book 4 | CD 1 CD 2 CD 3 CD 4 CD Set (includes all 4 CDs)
You can personalize your bulletins with an imprint at the bottom of the front page. The church name and address, church telephone and/or email, and the pastor's name and phone number are among the information that can be included in the imprint. Space limitations at the bottom of the bulletin require that the imprint be limited to 5 lines of type. Headline styles of type may be used for the church name, but that will count as 2 lines of type. Headline type is not available for any lines other than the church name. See imprint samples. Imprinting service costs $19.00 for the first 1000 sheets and $1.90 per 100 sheets after that. Example: if your church uses 100 bulletins per Sunday, the cost of the imprinting is $24.70. This is added to the cost of the bulletins and the cost of the shipping.
Yes, I would like a front page imprint. (5 lines maximum)
Line 1: Line 2: Line 3: Line 4: Line 5:
Desired Headline Style for First Line: See imprint samples. Script Ancient Serif University Roman Park Avenue Anna
The space below the devotional message may also be used for added information that does not fit in the standard imprint space. There is a one-time charge for setting the type for this information. The cost for printing this information is $5.00 per quarter, in addition to the regular imprinting fee. This back page imprint is only available with a front page imprint.
Yes, I would like a back page imprint (only available when you have a front page imprint). The space limit for the back page is approximately 8 lines.
We offer other printing services with your own personal copy for the entire back page. We also design and print bulletins with your own front and/or back page. Call us for information about these services.
*Security Question: What day comes after Monday: